Inclement Weather Procedures
Winter may bring weather conditions that require school schedule delays or closure. Deciding to cancel school is a difficult decision that the District takes seriously.
How decisions are made
When poor weather is anticipated, at approximately 3 a.m., designated transportation staff drive roads throughout the district to determine the ability to safely transport students, determine the status of arterials (major and minor) making note of specific challenging areas; and reviews existing and anticipated weather patterns throughout the area and consider decisions of surrounding school districts. Between 4 and 4:30 a.m., the Transportation Director and Superintendent’s Office determines the feasibility of safely transporting children to and from school. When at all possible, decisions regarding school delays or closures are made by 5:00 a.m.
How we communicate
In the event of snow, windstorms, earthquake or similar events, we may change school start or dismissal times for student safety. Here is how we will communicate school schedule changes:
- Automated phone calls and emails: Make sure your contact information and communication preferences are up-to-date in Family Access
- Website announcements: Be sure to bookmark the District's website (
- Social media posts: Follow us on Twitter (@SumnerSchools), Facebook (@SumnerSchoolDistrict) and Instagram (@sumnerbonneylakesd)
- Local TV/radio announcements
Not receiving alerts?
Check the following:
- Skyward/Family Access: Make sure you have the correct phone number and email in Family Access.
- ParentSquare: Check your notification settings under My Account > Notification Settings. Make sure the "School Alert" button is turned on.
What changes to expect
Expect morning buses to be late during severe weather.
- Schools open, limited transportation: Schools will operate and buses will stop at all regular stops with the exception of these routes.
- 2-hour late start: All schools in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District will operate 2 hours later than usual. No AM or PM preschool or ECEAP. Childcare will start 2 hours later than usual. No out-of-district transportation or transportation to the Elhi Hill High School Program. Breakfast and lunch will be served. For potential updates to afternoon bus transportation or after-school sports practices, monitor
- Early dismissal and delayed start: In the event of a change in school operations due to inclement weather, the District will send families phone and email notifications. Information will be posted on the district website and social media.
- School closed: All school buildings in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District will be closed. There will be no in-person learning, childcare, preschool or ECEAP. No out-of-district transportation or transportation to the Elhi Hill High School Program. A call will be made later in the day on the status of after-school sports practices. For potential updates, monitor
How to prepare for changes to the school day
Each family should have a plan covering what to do when children arrive home early due to an emergency or weather-related situation. Please develop a plan and practice it with your child. If you will not be home, instruct your child as to where he or she should go in the event of an early dismissal due to emergency conditions. What is the best route home if your child cannot be delivered to the normal bus stop? Where could your child go if he or she needed help? Who would care for him or her until you arrive? Is there someone your child could call to calm any concerns he or she might have?