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Health Forms

Health History Forms

Parents should submit an updated health history form to your student's school in Kindergarten, 3rd grade, 6th grade and 9th grade. 

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Medication at school policy:

  • The district cannot administer any medications (prescription or over the counter) without a medication at school order completed and signed by the health care provider and the parent/guardian.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for providing the unexpired medication in the original labeled packaging.
  • No more than 20 doses of a controlled substance will be stored on campus.
  • Students may self-carry a medication at school (most commonly an inhaler) if their medication at school order specifically states that the student is authorized to do so by their health care provider.
  • References: RCW 28A.210.260, SBLSD Board Policy No. 3416P

Medication at school orders must be renewed for each school year.