High School Counseling
High school counselors are educators uniquely trained in child and adolescent development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills who understand and promote success for today’s diverse students. Every school at SBLSD implements a comprehensive school counseling program utilitzing best practices.
Academic Support
- Four-Year Academic Planning
- Credit Assessments
- Graduation Requirements
- High School Completions Options
- Credit Retrieval
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Registration/Scheduling
- Running Start
- Testing - ACT, PSAT, SAT
- Transcripts
Career Support
- ASVAB Aptitude & Career Interest Assessment
- Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Internships, Job Shadows and Apprenticeships
- Two- and Four-Year College Admission
Personal and Social Support
- Classroom Presentations
- Community Referrals
- Crisis Intervention
- Harassment Issues
- Individual Planning
- Peer Mediation
- Small Group Counseling
- Study Skills
- Support Group
- Substance Use/Abuse
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