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Resources for Parent Groups


PTA, PTO and Booster groups can send out flyers for free through Peachjar. To request access to upload flyers, reach out to the Communications Office at The Communications Office will set you up as a volunteer uploader. 

Once your account has been activated, you can submit flyers by:

  1. Logging into Peachjar with your email account. A magic link to log in will be sent to your email inbox.
  2. Upload the flyer you have created. Be sure to indicate the date you would like the flyer to be sent out.
  3. Submit flyer and await approval from the Comms Office. 

If you are designing a flyer for your PTA, please ensure that the PTA group presenting the event is clearly labeled at the top of the flyer, with contact information available.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

When photographing/videoing students, make sure not to publish images of students on the no-photo/video list. Check with your front office staff who will check. We have some students who may have a “no photo” marked for a very good, serious reason (custody, immigration status, homeless, witness protection, etc.), so it’s important to abide by not publishing those on a “no photo” list. 

If it’s a true public event (sports game, concert), then it’s ok to publish photos. If it’s a school-specific, PTO/PTA-sponsored event, then photo/video restrictions apply. 

More information is available at