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Parents Right to Know: Title I Schools

School districts are required to annually notify parents of students at Title I schools of their right to request the professional qualifications of their child's teacher. This includes licensing and certification for grade level and subject; emergency or other provisional status; B.A. major and graduate degrees; and paraprofessional qualifications. Districts are also required to notify parents if students have a teacher for four weeks or more who has not met applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.

The requirement is defined at the federal level and may not reflect the teacher's abilities. This designation applies only to teachers at schools funded by Title I. Teachers must have a bachelor's degree, hold full state certification, and they must hold either national board certification in the assigned core academic subject(s) or be endorsed in the core academic subject(s) they teach.

To request qualifications of your child's teacher, contact the District's Human Resources Department.

The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Title 1 schools: 

  • Bonney Lake Elementary
  • Crestwood Elementary
  • Daffodil Valley Elementary
  • Liberty Ridge Elementary
  • Lakeridge Middle School
  • Sumner Middle School