Title 1
Title 1 Educational Services
Title I, Part A is a federal program created by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Through Title I the federal government provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. To help these students meet the state’s rigorous educational standards, Title I programs provide students with extra instructional services and activities.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Title I programs offer:
- Small group instruction and/or special instructional spaces
- Additional teachers and para-educators
- Opportunities for professional development for school staff
- Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills they need
- A variety of supplementary teaching methods
- An individualized program for students
- Additional teaching materials, which supplement a student’s regular instruction
SBLSD provides Schoolwide Title I support for the following schools: Bonney Lake Elementary, Crestwood Elementary, Daffodil Valley Elementary, Emerald Hills Elementary, Liberty Ridge Elementary, Lakeridge Middle School, and Sumner Middle School. In a Schoolwide program, Title I funds may be used to increase the academic achievement of all students in the school. Services are determined by each school’s detailed schoolwide plan. Schools focus on in-classroom support for Literacy and Math interventions, along with intensive auxiliary support for students with significant need.