Native American Program
Native American Program Manager
Jason LaFontaine (Turtle Mountain Chippewa)
Phone Number
(253) 778-7963
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Native American Education Program provides cultural and educational support for all students in the district who have Native American heritage. Students do not need to be enrolled in a tribe to take part in the program.
The Native American Education Program is run through a partnership with the Puget Sound Educational Service District and is funded by a federal Office of Indian Education grant. Funding for each year is based on the number of students who register for the program.
- To assist our Native American/Alaska Native students in fulfilling their academic education.
- To provide students with an understanding of Native history, culture, and contemporary issues and their place within all of it, both at their school and in their community.
- To inspire and enable Native American students to realize their full potential by connecting their tribal heritage and their education together within the school building.
- Increased academic achievement by improving school performance K-12th grade.
- Increased knowledge of cultural identity and awareness within a school setting.
- Facilitation for the higher education application process (college and vocational schools) for high school seniors and their families.
- Assistance for accessing scholarships and financial aid through Native American/Alaska Native agencies, organizations and corporations.
- Advocate for students and their families
Program eligibility
To be eligible for program services, a student does not need to be enrolled with a tribe but they need to complete a program registration form. The program provides services for all students who meet any of the following qualifications:
- An enrolled member of a tribe, band or other organized group of Indians
- A child or grandchild of an enrolled tribal member
- An Eskimo, Aleut or other Alaska Native
If you are interested in signing up your child for services, fill out the registration form and:
- Return it to your school's front office (the form will be given to the district Native American coordinator)
- Scan it and email it to Program Coordinator Jason LaFontaine
- Mail it to Cindy Taylor at the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Administration Office, 1202 Wood Ave., Sumner, WA 98390.