What Does Highly Capable Mean?
What Identifies a Student as Highly Capable?
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District uses multiple objective criteria to determine eligibility for Highly Capable Services. Data from multiple tests are considered for qualification. A multi-disciplinary selection committee makes placements for the entire district using multiple measures such as ability testing, achievement testing, and a teacher referral and inventory.
Scores and data from the following tests will be reviewed by a multi-disciplinary selection committee to determine eligibility and placement for all students.
- MAP: Measure of Academic Performance (Math and Reading achievement test)
- CogAT: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT 7)
- AimsWeb Assessment (High test scores on district achievement testing in reading and math are considered as an additional factor in Highly Capable placement.)
- State Assessment Data (Smarter Balance Assessment, Measurement of Academic Progress and/or End of Course Exams are considered as an additional factor in Highly Capable placement).
- Inventory for Finding Potential (This inventory is considered as an additional factor for Highly Capable placement.)
The committee makes a selection decision based on:
- A preponderance of evidence from the profile data demonstrating that a student is among the most Highly Capable
- Evidence of clear need for Highly Capable services
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District defines highly capable education as services, curriculum, and activities, which extend learning beyond the basic program provided by the school. Highly capable services are designed so that all students of outstanding levels of aptitude may develop their innate abilities.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Hicap Services:
- Targets the unique interests, abilities, and strengths of the child
- Weaves differentiated learning experiences into the regular school day
- Progresses academic growth through pre, post, and formative assessments
- Develops independent lifelong learners
- Accelerates and compacts curriculum while maintaining curriculum integrity as needed
- Flexibly groups students for best success in core content areas
- Intentionally addresses the social and emotional needs of individuals
- Recognizes and embraces the asynchronous development of highly capable students
Highly Capable students are students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences and environments.
Characteristics and traits of Highly Capable Learners can sometimes look like…..
The Highly Capable student
The Highly Capable student
The Highly Capable student
The Highly Capable student
The Highly Capable student
The Highly Capable student
The Highly Capable student
The Highly Capable student