Career Readiness Cord
A Career Readiness Cord is an honorary designation that signals to future employers and post-secondary institutions that students have participated in a wide range of high school career preparation courses and have demonstrated evidence of 21st-century skills valued in the workplace.
Watch this video to learn more!
Eligibility Criteria
Criteria 1 - Demonstrates depth of knowledge about careers and workplace readiness through participation in K-12 Career and Technical Education coursework
Complete at least two CTE credits within a K-12 setting (high school or Skills Center). The eligibility requirement for a cord is two credits (example: 4 half-credit courses, or 2 one-credit courses or two half-credit courses and a full credit course)
Seniors who are slated to take a CTE class during the second semester who will have earned at least 2 credits by graduation may apply for a cord.
Running Start courses are not eligible.
Criteria 2 - Demonstrate 21st-century skills valued in the workplace
Online Application Form (must be logged into a SBLSD Chromebook in order to access the application)
Selection Criteria
Students will be evaluated using a rubric scored by a committee of business/industry partners and district leadership. Students that demonstrate criteria outlined on the rubrics for the application, resume, and interview will receive a Career Readiness Cord.
Note: If you miss your chosen interview time, you will not be allowed to reschedule. If an emergency arises at your designated time, email prior to your scheduled time so we can attempt to reschedule the interview.
Supports for Students
Students are encouraged to access the resources below and to take advantage of supports from the Career Specialists to ensure that they submit a high-quality application and are prepared for the interview. by accessing the following before submitting the application:
Career Specialist can support students with:
Writing Support: Resume and application
Mock Interviews
Scheduling interviews
This process is designed to mirror a job application process. Therefore, revisions to the application will not be permitted after the application is submitted. The application deadline is February 4, 2024.
Timeline 2023-24 School Year
January 4: Invitations to the class of 2024 students meeting minimum qualifications (or on track to meet qualifications by the end of the year) emailed to students and families
January: Career Specialists available to provide application and resume support
February 4, 2024: Online application materials due
February: Career Specialist available to provide mock interview support
February: Interviews
March: Students notified of application status
June: Cords distributed at Senior Awards event
Email your Career Specialists to arrange support or to answer questions about the process
Bonney Lake High School: Kimberly Bailey
Sumner High School: Melissa Nelson