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Safety Security Staff

The District is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of our students and staff. We understand students learn best when they can attend classes in a secure and welcoming environment. Our highly-trained safety and security staff monitor campuses, protect our schools and respond to emergencies. 

Security staff

School resource officers interacting with students

School Resource Officers: SBLSD has two uniformed law enforcement School Resource Officers (SROs) for schools within the Sumner and Bonney Lake city limits. Officer Brandon Anderson (Sumner Police Department) and Officer Michael Gould (Bonney Lake Police Department) are a welcomed part of our school communities, helping build and maintain relationships with police, students, families and staff. SROs also promote a safe learning environment and act as educational resources. For schools located outside city limits, the District is in discussion and negotiations with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department regarding the coverage of off-duty Pierce County officers covering schools that reside in the county boundaries (Crestwood, Liberty Ridge, Tehaleh and Donald Eismann elementary schools). We will update this website with any updates.  

Campus safety office directing traffic at school

Campus Safety Officers: There are three Campus Safety Officers at each high school, one at Sumner Middle, one at Lakeridge Middle and two at Mountain View Middle. These District employees help maintain order and discipline in our schools, build relationships and connections with our students, help school administrators investigate violations of school rules and policies, provide student-to-student mediation support, and serve pivotal roles in emergency response. All Campus Safety Officers are trained in the state-approved training program for CSOs and SROs, in addition to best practices including first aid, Right Response, CPR, AED, de-escalation techniques, restorative practices, emergency response and Crisis Intervention. Our Campus Safety Officers work with building administrative teams to ensure student and staff safety.


Staff sit in room during presentation

CSOs and SROs gather for training.

Safety and security staff receive a number of trainings with local law enforcement and local jurisdictions to enhance our ability to respond quickly and effectively when there is a threat to student safety. Training includes:

  • Constitutional & Civil Rights of Children in School
  • Child Adolescent Development (Adolescent Brain Development)
  • Trauma Informed Approaches
  • Recognition and Responding to Youth Mental Health Issues
  • Educational Rights of Students With Disabilities; Disability and Behavior; Best Practices for Interacting With Students With Disabilities
  • Collateral Consequences of Arrest, Referral for Prosecution & Court Involvement
  • Community Resources: Alternatives to Arrest & Prosecution; Pathways to Access Services w/o court or Criminal Justice Involvement
  • Disparities in the Use of Force and Arrests of Children
  • De-Escalation Techniques
  • Restraint and Isolation in Schools
  • Bias Free Policing; Cultural Competency; Diversity Training
  • FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
  • Restorative Justice Principles and Practices

School Board policies