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Family Communication Protocol

Lockdowns, Police Activity, Potential Threats to Student Safety, Bus Accidents 

During an emergency, our first priority is to protect our students and staff. When we share information, our goal is to ensure that it's timely and accurate. At times, we’re not at liberty to share information from law enforcement. We communicate what we can, when we can. Emergency situations, and the time and method of communication, vary widely. This chart for communication protocol is used only as a guide as situations may merit alternative actions.

Situation Parent Email Parent Robocall Printed Letter School Website

Police activity on campus or nearschool; No transportation impact

  • Modified/full lockdown
  • No impact to transportation or arrival/dismissal times

Time of communication: As soon as possible when lockdown initiated.

Threat cleared and lockdown lifted
Time of communication: As soon as possible after threat has been cleared and lockdown is lifted.


Police activity on campus or nearschool; Transportation impacted

  • Modified/full lockdown
  • Suspect still at large
  • Change in transportation or arrival/dismissal times

Time of communication: As soon as possible when lockdown initiated.

X X   X

Threat: Bomb, Weapon, etc.; No transportation impact

  • No modified/full lockdown or evacuation
  • No impact to transportation or arrival/dismissal times

Time of communication: After threat/situation is stabilized


Threat: Bomb, Weapon, etc.; No transportation impact

  • Modified/full lockdown or evacuation
  • No impact to transportation or arrival/dismissal times

Time of communication: As soon as possible when lockdown initiated.

Threat cleared and lockdown lifted
Time of communication: As soon as possible after threat has been cleared and lockdown is lifted.


Threat: Bomb, Weapon, etc.; Transportation impacted

  • Modified/full lockdown or evacuation
  • Change in transportation or arrival/dismissal times

Time of communication: As soon as possible

X X   X

Wild animal on campus or nearschool; No transportation impact

  • Modified/full lockdown
  • No impact to transportation or release time

Time of communication: As soon as possible when lockdown initiated.

Threat cleared and lockdown lifted
Time of communication: As soon as possible after threat has been cleared and lockdown is lifted.


Wild animal on campus or nearschool; Transportation impacted

  • Modified/full lockdown
  • Change in transportation or arrival/dismissal times

Time of communication: As soon as possible

X X    

Weapon at school

Time of communication: After situation is stabilized


Bus accident; No impact to transportation

  • No impact to transportation time

Time of communication: After situation is stabilized

X   X  

Bus accident; Transportation impacted

  • Change in time students arrive to school/home

Time of communication: As soon as possible

X X X  


In rare situations, a decision could be made for the reunification of students and families during school hours. Watch this video showing an example of a reunification exercise and view our district-wide reunification protocol.