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Choosing SBLSD: Paraeducators

Choosing SBLSD: Paraeducators

Join us in celebrating Education Support Professionals Week! It takes a team to fulfill our promise to know, value and support every student here at the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District. We are so grateful for the many groups of Education Support Professionals who support and grow our students every day, including: paraeducators, substitutes, health services, maintenance, office professionals, child nutrition, transportation, security, grounds, technology, custodial and  other services!

Our paraeducators play a huge role in our promise to know, value and support every student at SBLSD. Here are a couple of their stories. 

Debi Ouimet never knew her purpose until she became a special education behavior paraeducator, working with students at Maple Lawn Elementary.

"They are my why. They are why I get up in the morning. They are why I do what I do," Debi said.

Each day is different, but Debi spends her day communicating and connecting with her students, often through sign language, and celebrating every little accomplishment. 

"It's exciting, because I'm never bored," Debi said. "I wake up just looking forward to coming here every single day. It's a true gift to me because I'm always getting something from these children." 

Lisa Lamoureaux is a friendly face for students at Donald Eismann Elementary, where she works closely with groups of students that might need some extra support in a particular subject. Lisa worked for years as a fourth and fifth grade teacher before becoming a paraeducator. 

"I just fell in love with being able to work with small groups of kids and apply what I loved best about teaching to the paraprofessional world," Lisa said.

She starts her day greeting students when they get off the bus, then leads smaller academic groups throughout the day in areas of reading, writing, math and social/emotional learning. 

Her favorite moments on the job are when "a lightbulb goes off" for students in a subject.

"Seeing them reach their goals is really what does it for me. And it's so neat to see their energy and their excitement," she said.