Budget Summary
Fiscal Year 2023-24
Past Budget Summaries
Fiscal Year 2022-23
Fiscal Year 2021-22
Fiscal Year 2020-21
Fiscal Year 2019-20
Superintendent’s Message
This executive budget summary was created to translate complex budget information into a concise and easy-to-read document. The budgeted expenditures and revenues for the 2019-2020 school year are presented to communicate the District’s financial priorities and plans. Through the various tables, charts, and graphs, you’ll learn about the source of our financial resources and our plan for expenditures.
Throughout the budgetary process in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District, student achievement and safety remain our top priorities. As a result, the 2019-2020 budget continues to reflect the District’s strategic plan, Vision 2020, of directing resources to the classroom and increasing student performance, improving fiscal accountability, continuing to increase the use of technology, continuing improvements to our facilities, and maintaining our schools as safe learning environments.
Due to the statewide implementation of a new employee benefits program, the District has budgeted an additional $2.2 million for 2019-2020.
I look forward to a successful 2019-20 school year, providing a great place to learn for every student, every day, in every classroom.
Laurie Dent, Ph.D.
Budget Basics
- Annual financial plan of the school district which aligns with district and community goals.
- Fiscal year for the budget begins September 1st and ends Augusts 31st of the following calendar year.
- Balances expenditures against revenues to ensure district is spending responsibly and maintaining a positive fund balance.
Budget Process Summary
The General Fund budget is driven by student enrollment, which determines revenue estimates and staffing allocations. The budget team then meets with building and department heads to determine final staffing and operating costs as well as expected state and federal grant awards. The minor fund budgets (Capital Projects, Debt Service, ASB, and Transportation Vehicle) are added to the full district budget. The budgets are balanced, reviewed and submitted to the school board for approval and final adoption.
General Fund: Student EnrollmentThe General Fund is the operating fund of the district, used for all instructional and regular operations of the school district.
General Fund: Staffing Allocations
General Fund: Revenues
Revenue Funding Source |
19-20 Projected |
19-20 % |
State Apportionment |
$92,947,456 |
63.5% |
State Grants |
20,839,104 |
14.2 |
Levy |
18,440,124 |
12.6 |
Federal Grants |
7,333,263 |
5.0 |
Local Support |
5,120,000 |
3.5 |
Other Sources |
1,647,580 |
1.1 |
Total Projected Revenue |
$146,327,527 |
100.0% |
General Fund: Expenditures
Where does the money go?
Expenditures by Object Code |
19-20 Projected |
19-20 % |
Certificated Salaries |
$63,284,811 |
43.5% |
Classified Salaries |
25,048,666 |
17.2 |
Employee Benefits |
36,640,357 |
25.2 |
Supplies & Materials |
7,382,924 |
5.1 |
Contractual Services |
12,486,328 |
8.6 |
Travel |
172,321 |
0.1 |
Capital Outlay |
442,500 |
0.3 |
Total Projected Expenditures |
$145,457,907 |
100.0% |
General Fund: Classroom Impact
How much money impacts the classroom?
Budget Summary
Beginning Fund Balance 9/1/2019 $ 5,500,000
Revenue $ 146,327,527
Total Available Resources $ 151,827,527
Expenditures $ 145,457,907
Ending Fund Balance 8/31/2020 $ 6,369,620
Capital Projects Fund
The Capital Projects Fund is utilized for the purchase of land, the construction and equipping of new facilities, and the installation of major systems and major facility renovations.
Budget Summary
Beginning Fund Balance 9/1/2019 $ 62,501,496
Technology Levy $ 5,465,793
Erate $ 202,018
State Match $ 8,700,000
Impact Fees $ 772,000
Investment Earnings $ 800,000
Sunset Stadium Naming Rights $ 32,400
Total Revenues $ 15,972,211
Total Available Resources $ 78,473,707
Technology Levy $ 2,600,000
Mountain View Middle School $ 15,000,000
Emerald Hills Replacement $ 2,600,000
Sumner High School Expansion $ 45,000,000
Other Expenditures $ 6,268,899
Total Expenditures $ 71,468,899
Ending Fund Balance 8/31/2020 $ 7,004,808
Debt Service Fund
The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the payment of principal and interest on outstanding bonds and notes, as well as other noncurrent long-term liabilities.
Budget Summary
Beginning Fund Balance 9/1/2019 $ 9,249,783
Revenue $ 21,143,011
Total Available Resources $ 30,392,794
Expenditures $ 19,950,556
Ending Fund Balance 8/31/2020 $ 10,442,238
Associated Student Body Fund
The Associated Student Body Fund is for the extracurricular benefit of the students. Under adult supervision, the student government determines the fund budget and which activities will be funded. Final approval of ASB activities rest with the board of directors.
Budget Summary
Beginning Fund Balance 9/1/2019 $ 780,500
Revenue $ 2,528,194
Total Available Resources $ 3,308,694
Expenditures $ 2,391,777
Ending Fund Balance 8/31/2020 $ 916,917
Transportation Vehicle FundThe Transportation Vehicle Fund is used only for the purchase of yellow school buses for student transportation to and from school. Budget SummaryBeginning Fund Balance 9/1/2019 $ 395,484 Revenue $ 331,021 Total Available Resources $ 726,505 Expenditures: A34G 30 Passenger Bus X 1 $ 85,000 D84D 84 Passenger Bus X 2 $ 300,000 Total Expenditures $ 385,000 Ending Fund Balance 8/31/2020 $ 341,505 Bus Count & Depreciation for 2019-2020