Bond Oversight Committee
Bond Oversight Committee Membership
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District is accepting applications for volunteers to serve on a District Bond Oversight Committee (BOC). The BOC will represent a broad cross-section of community members to provide, in coordination with the Superintendent and the District Project Team, transparency and accountability through quarterly review of delivery of the 2024 Bond Projects.
The District desires an ongoing, independent review of the major projects approved by the voters on the November 5, 2024, ballot. The BOC will meet at least quarterly and will provide an annual progress report to the community and the District Board of Directors. Reports will be published on the District website for public viewing. The BOC's scope will include:
- Reviewing the process to solicit, qualify and select general contractors, architects, consultants, and vendors for major projects;
- Reviewing financial statements, project scope, construction documents, and bid solicitations ;
- Periodically inspecting school facilities and sites to assist the BOC's project review;
- Make recommendations to the Superintendent on procedures, as may be appropriate, to assist in enhancing accountability for use of Bond dollars; and
- Assist the District in communications with the public to ensure the goals of transparency and accountability in the implementation of the Bond Projects are delivered.
Member Selection and Qualifications
Type and Composition of the Committee: The BOC is deemed an Administrative Committee, reporting to the Superintendent and her Leadership Team; with periodic updates to the community and District Board of Directors. The BOC shall be comprised of the following members:
- At least one member who is active in a business organization representing the business community; located within the District (e.g. member of a Chamber of Commerce, a Downtown Association, etc.);
- At least one member who owns, operates, or represents senior leadership in a local business;
- Two members who work in the financial or accounting fields or who maintain financial or accounting expertise or experience;
- Two members with construction, architect, engineering or planning expertise;
- At least one member who is the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District; and,
- One representative who served on the Capital Facility Advisory Committee.
*Committee Members must be a resident of the District, be registered to vote, may not be an officer, agent, employee or official of the District, and may not represent any vendor, contractor or consultant of the District
The BOC is to provide an annual report to the community each spring in addition to maintaining consistent communication about its progress via the District’s website.
The BOC is not a decision-making body and will have no independent authority to obligate District funds or otherwise contractually obligate the District. The BOC's recommendations will be used to inform or assist in program decisions made by the Superintendent and/or District Board of Directors.
Staff Cooperation
The BOC will work directly with the Superintendent and the District Project Team and will be granted access to reports, construction sites and documents pertinent to its charge. District staff members and service providers will be made available to the Committee upon request.
Duration of Charge
The BOC will sunset following the substantial completion of all major Bond Projects, but no earlier than the expensing of 95 percent of all Bond proceeds.
Committee Appointments
In order to ensure continuity for this multi-year assignment, and also to respect the Committee’s volunteer members, terms ranging from one-to-two years will be designated for the original Committee members. However, members may choose to maintain membership through the completion of the Bond program if their schedule permits. Appointments to the Committee will be made through the BOC application process used by the District and approved by the Superintendent.
How are BOC Members Chosen?
Members of the BOC will be selected through an application process (see below).
Per District Board Policy 4110, the Board of Directors may select no more than two representatives to attend and observe.
The Timeline for BOC formation is as follows:
Announcement of opportunity to apply: January 16, 2024
Application available: January 22, 2024
Applications due: February 21, 2025 at 4:00 pm
Selection Process: February 24 through 28, 2025
Committee Members Notified: March 3, 2025
Quarterly Meetings: 4th Monday of the month at 5:00 pm
March 2025: March 24, 2025
June 2025: June 23, 2025
September 2025: September 22, 2025
January 2026: January 26, 2026
BOC Documents
- Jan. 15, 2025: BOC Formation Memo