Proposed Bond 2024 Information
Thank you, voters!
Election results available on Pierce County website
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District will place two replacement levies on the February 13, 2024 election ballot that support student learning.
Proposition 1
Replacement Educational Programs & Operations Levy
This levy funds 16 percent of the total district budget not covered by the state.
Teachers, books and basics
Additional teachers, nurses, counselors, mental health supports, librarians, paraeducators, safety officers, and special education staff, equaling about 216 staff members
Up-to-date textbooks and instructional materials including math and reading
Health, Safety and Security
Maintenance of school plumbing, heating and ventilation systems for clean air and safe water
Maintenance of aging or deteriorating roofs and earthquake safety
Maintenance of schools, playgrounds and athletics facilities to meet safety standards
Improvements to school safety and security, maintenance of fire alarm and sprinkler systems and emergency preparedness
Education Programs for All Students
Special needs programs for students, and improved accessibility for students and staff with disabilities
K-12 educational programs, including intervention programs that help students reach grade level standards in reading and math, increased opportunities for all students to take advanced coursework, and planning for post-secondary success
Arts, music, athletics and extracurricular activities
Proposition 2
Replacement Instructional Technology Improvements & Security Upgrades Levy
This levy provides technology access, improvements, and security upgrades for all K-12 teachers, staff and students.
Access to Technology
Expanded classroom technology improvements at all elementary, middle and high schools
Access and computers for all K-12 students and staff to use at school, and staff and secondary students at home
Staff training and up-to-date software and online learning tools for students and teachers
Up-to-date Tools for Teaching and Learning
Replaces outdated classroom computers for teachers and students
Supports technical training of computer systems for teachers and students
Maintains licenses and internet access for students and teachers, and expands wireless network
Upgrades high-speed internet access and other IT system improvements
Safety, Security & Privacy Protections
Increases cybersecurity privacy protection for students, teachers and staff
Maintains security cameras, school access control, video and audio security entrances at buildings, intercom and phone systems for all-school alerts and emergency notification
Future voters
Youth ages 16 and 17 can pre-register to vote. Registrants under the age of 18 will have their registrations held until they become eligible to vote.
Levy dollars at work
Costs of Propositions 1 & 2
Propositions 1 and 2 are not new taxes, but are replacement levies of measures that expire in 2024 and cover the basic day-to-day operations, educational programs, maintenance, instructional technology and security needs for every K-12 school.
Average monthly/annual costs*
If Proposition 1 passes, the 4-year replacement levy would raise $43.7 million annually and cost the average Sumner-Bonney Lake homeowner $11.31 more per month ($136 annually) for Educational Programs and Operations not covered by the state of Washington. The levy rate would be between $2.48 and $2.50 per $1,000 of assessed value.
If Proposition 2 passes, the 6-year replacement levy would raise $6.5 million annually and cost the average Sumner-Bonney Lake homeowner $1.26 more per month ($15.08 annually) for Instructional Technology Improvements and Security Upgrades not covered by the state of Washington. The levy rate would be $0.37 per $1,000 of assessed value.
*The average home value in four years is $591,901. The average home value in six years is $613,682.