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6000 Policy Series - Administration



6000 Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption and Implementation 
6000 Procedure Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption and Implementation
6001 Administration in the Absence of Policy or Procedure
6020 System of Funds and Accounts
6021 Interfund Loans
6022 Minimum Fund Balance
6030 Financial Reports
6060 Uncollectible Accounts
6060P Uncollectible Accounts



6100 Revenues from Local, State and Federal Sources
6101 Federal Cash and Financial Management
6101 Procedure Federal Cash and Financial Management
6102 District Fundraising Activities
6102 Procedure District Fundraising Activities
6112 Rental or Lease of District Real Property
6114 Gifts, Donations and Memorials
6114 Procedure Gifts and Donations
6120 Investment of Funds



6210 Purchasing - Authorization and Control
6210 Procedure Purchasing - Authorization and Control
6212 Credit (Procurement) Cards
6213 Travel Authorization and Expense Reimbursement
6213 Procedure Travel Authorization, Mileage and Expense Reimbursement
6214 District Meetings
6214 Procedure District Meetings
6215 Voucher Certification and Approval
6215 Procedure Voucher Certification and Approval
6216 Reimbursement for Goods and Services: Warrants
6220 Purchasing/Bid Requirements 
6220 Procedure Purchasing/Bid Requirements
6221 Contracts and Agreements
6221 Procedure Contracts and Agreements
6222 Relations with Vendors
6222 Procedure Conduct in Vendor Relations
6225 Use of Electronic Signatures
6230 Affirmative Action - Contract Compliance
6250 Cellular Telephones
6251 Memorandum of Understandings



6500 Risk Management
6500 Procedure Risk Management
6501 Data Privacy
6501 Procedure Data Privacy Procedures
6511 Staff Safety
6511 Procedure Staff Safety
6512 Infection Control Program
6512 Procedure Infection Control Program
6530 Insurance
6535 Student Insurance
6570 Property and Data Management



6600 Transportation
6600 Procedure Transportation Students
6605 Student Safety Walking to School and Riding Buses
6605 Procedure Student Safety Walking to School and Riding Buses
6610 Video Surveillance
6620 Special Transportation
6640 Use of District Vehicles



6700 Nutrition
6700 Procedure Nutrition
6701 Recess and Physical Activity
6701 Procedure Recess and Physical Activity
6702 Wellness
6702 Procedure Wellness



6800 Safety Operations and Maintenance of School Property
6801 Capital Assets and Theft-Sensitive Assets
6801 Procedure Capital Assets and Theft-Sensitive Assets
6810 Energy Management and Conservation
6810 Procedure Energy Management and Conservation
6881 Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials 
6881 Procedure Procedure: Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials
6883 Closure of Facilities
6890 State Environmental Policy Act Compliance
6890 Procedure State Environmental Policy Act Compliance
6895 Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping
6895 Procedure Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping



6920P Construction Design
6925 Architect, Engineering and Other Construction-Related Services
6925 Procedure Architect, Engineering and Other Construction-Related Services
6950 Change Orders
6955 Maintenance of Facilities Records
6959 Acceptance of Completed Project
6970 Naming Schools and Facilities
6970 Procedure Naming Schools and Facilities