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Empty classroom
No school for elementary: Dec. 2

There is no school for elementary students on Monday, Dec. 2 for Elementary Grading Day.

Fall decor with Thankful written on note
Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 27-29

There will be no school Wednesday, Nov. 27 through Friday, Nov. 29 for Thanksgiving Break. Schools and district officers will be closed. We hope you enjoy your break!

Students hold thank you voters sign
Prop. 1 passes - thank you, voters!

We’re absolutely thrilled that Proposition 1 has passed, and we very much thank those who voted in support of the bond measure that will expand and improve our schools.

The district is excited to now move forward in implementing the much-anticipated bond projects, which include improvements districtwide.

Thank you, voters!

PROP. 1: Expanded Student Capacity, School Improvements & Safety Upgrades

We’re absolutely thrilled that Proposition 1 has passed, and we very much thank those who voted in support of the bond measure that will expand and improve our schools.

The district is excited to now move forward in implementing the much-anticipated bond projects, which include improvements districtwide.

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